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From Photo of Filet to Counted ChartShare.
The topic generated some questions from various readers about using filet lace patterns – which are gridded – as cross stitch (and other counted work) projects.
In the course of the discussion, the question of how to “read” the filet lace as a gridded chart came up. Sometimes, when you’re looking at filet lace illustrated in these old publications, you’re seeing black and white photos of the completed woven pattern, which can be much more difficult to read than a chart would be…
New: Ft. Lonesome Embroidery Patterns Collection!
If you’ve been with Sublime Stitching for a while, you probably know that before moving to Los Angeles, I started out in Austin where I lived for eleven years.
That’s why this collab is extra special to me…
Embroidered Beach Pillow project – Part 1.
To transfer these motifs to my fabric, I would usually put them under the fabric and trace on top of the fabric with my water soluble marker. However, since I can’t see through this thick linen, I need to use another method…
The Importance of Building a Strong Brand Identity.
The Stem
I started out with the stem since that sits behind both the petal and the leaf.
My tutor had warned me that stems have a tendency to grow when you stitch them. I’d certainly seen this to be true when I did my sampling for the stem. Despite that practice, the stem still turned out a little wider than I would have liked.